Palasi Paladin - Application declined
Have you read and understood the Guild Rules? Yes
How old are you? 16
What is your character name, class, and level? Palasi - Paladin tank - 85
Post your armory-link here - … asi/simple
What are your current builds and why did you choose them? i chosen a talent build where i dodge alot. i choosed them cause as a tank its good to dodge attacks.
Tell us what you know about the class and specc you play. Try to impress us with your
knowledge! At least include: I know everything as a paladin. i know how to heal - tank - dps. i know the reforge - stats - talents build. well what more to say. i read up on my class very often to become one of the best paladin on server.1. Spell rotation or spell priority for your main specc. Healers give a short description of spells used in different situations. (Boss) i will start with " Avenger’s shield" to get good aggro on the boss. then i use " Hammer of the Righteous " followed up with " Shield of the Righteous" then i will use " Concentration and holy wrath " after i used “shield of the righteous” like 3 times. i begin on my selfhealing to make it easier for the healers. i useally use " Shield of the rightous" to start with to get some real good aggro on the boss.
(Mobs): i pull with " Avenger’s shield ". and pretty much use my aeo spells to keep the aggro on them2. The most important stats for your class. Stamina - dodge - parry. and mastery is good 2 have also.
When would you be available to raid with us? (Our raid schedule is Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 20:00-00.00 server time.) Monday - thursday. sometimes wednesday
Do you experience slowdowns, lag or disconnects in 25-man raids? My experince in 25 man is fine. i dont useally get disconnects. i might have a little bit og lagg thought. but not so i would slack on the boss. ( its very little lagg we are talking about )
Tell us about your previous raiding experience
As level 60: As level 60 i wasnt playing here. but ofcourse i’ve been in some of the raids when i got a higher level. molton core - Ahn’riqau ( or how ya spell it )
As level 70: Level 70. was mostly kara. i was playing on another server back then, where my druid was my main
As level 80: i killed everything in lvl 80 execpt lich king and sindragosa ( on heroic difficult )What is your opinion on doing hard modes? If the guild is ready for it, i say. bring it on
Do you have any previous MMORPG experience?
What are your previous guild(s) and why did you leave it? Insane ( cause i got accepted into The Untainted )… when i was in the Untainted my wow time did go out. and didnt have anymore money at that point. so couldnt play for a month or so. the others are just some low lvl guild etc this is probally the best guilds i’ve been in
What do you expect to find in our guild? i expect to find some nice player, have alot of fun. and down alot of bosses
Is there anything else you would add? No
Recruitment is open
We are looking for more to join us in The War Within! For our heroic raids we are primarily interested in DPS, but all applications will be considered.
Heroic Raids
Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Sunday 20:00 ST
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