Demirel Social - Accepted for trial
1. Have you read and understood the Guild Rules?
Fully read and understood.2. How old are you?
Never ask a woman for her age, but lets say i’ve 2 kids and absolutely over 20!3. What is your character name, class, and level?
Demirel, level 24 rogue. (main on horde is a 100 DK. Several 100 toons on ally too)4. Post your armory-link here.
5. How long have you been playing WoW?
Ever since Vanilla with hardcore raiding in TBC. Took a break when the kids came. Ever since playing only on a casual base.6. What are your favourite things to do in WoW?
All execpt raiding7. Do you have any previous MMORPG experience?
Just WoW8. What are your previous guild(s) and why did you leave them?
Had several guilds, only left when they seemed to be dying. My main toon is still in her guild, but looking for a more suitable guild with some guildchat and not only chat over voice chat.9. What do you hope to find in our guild?
Fun, nice and frienly people that let people do the things they like without complaining about the fact you dont raid or do heroics with them.10. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Not really
Recruitment is open
We are looking for more to join us in The War Within! For our heroic raids we are primarily interested in DPS, but all applications will be considered.
Heroic Raids
Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Sunday 20:00 ST
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