Miasmatic Havoc DH - Accepted for trial
Hello, Im Mias/Richard and would like to apply on my DH Miasmatic. As someone who is more of a laidback raider but someone who does know the ins and outs of the game, and having a very good friend of mine in your group, its an easy 1+1=3 for me ^^
Miasmatic, Havoc DH, DPS
Being an actual goblin, and getting higher ilvl
For about 8-10 years
From being a GM myself and leading to small raiding guilds who disband left and right since people dont show up anymore at raid times
Fun and a nice community
Feel free to throw me a pm with any question there might be, ill happily answer!
Both yes(Only this thursday the 24th i wont be able to attend since i have work, this shifts to daytime at the weeks following)
Approx 99% attendence
Haste haste haste , and some agility in the mix
Stable high end pc and strong internets.
If there are any more questions you folks want to know feel free to pm me.
Recruitment is open
We are looking for more to join us in The War Within! For our heroic raids we are primarily interested in DPS, but all applications will be considered.
Heroic Raids
Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Sunday 20:00 ST
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