Endorx Paladin Retibution - Declined FULL
Have you read and understood the Guild Rules? Yes
How old are you?15
What is your character name, class, and level? Name Endorx- Class paladin- level 80
What are your current builds and why did you choose them? ll us what you know about the class and specc you play. Please include your spell rotation (main specc). I have retibution as main spec and prot ass off spec, becuse i like to dps and doing quest for shadowmoure.Why prot as offspec becuse i like to tank in HC.
Post your armory-link here.http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet … &cn=Endorx i need 20 frost more and then i get the tier 10 legs,i have token too it too.Will you join for 3 raids a week on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 19:45 to 00:00 server time? Yes
Do you have any previous raiding experience, normal or hard modes
As level 60:none
As level 70:none
As level 80:not HC in Icc or TOGC but i can lern.or else have i done all other raids
What is your opinion on doing hard modes? I always want to try someting new and get bether gear
Do you have any previous MMORPG experience? No
Previous guild(s) and why did you leave it? Cruel intentions and why is becuse you bether raidings more folks
What do you expect to find in our guild?Many good raids and chatting in the guild.
Is there anything else you would like to add? i have disylexia i am good on english.just chance faction to horde so i want a good guild.
Hope i can join,
Ps if it full of paladins dps can i join as social untill i can raid whit the guild
Recruitment is open
We are looking for more to join us in The War Within! For our heroic raids we are primarily interested in DPS, but all applications will be considered.
Heroic Raids
Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Sunday 20:00 ST
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