Maarco Frost DK dps - Accepted for trial
Have you read and understood the Guild Rules?
Yes -
How old are you?
19 -
What is your character name, class, and level?
Maarco , Troll DK , lvl 80 -
How often do you usually play?
Every day -
What are your previous guild(s) and why did you leave it?
Onyx , didnt raid as much i wanted 2 -
What do you expect to find in our guild?
Much raiding and some socialty -
What are your current builds and why did you choose them?
3/31/7 frost dps DW , Fun and bit harder , got blood tanking specc 2 but havnt put much time to it like i have done with my frost specc
- Tell us what you know about the class and specc you play. Please include your spell rotation (main specc) and the most important stats for your class.
hmm well , think my rotation is more priority then rotation , i put out dieseases then i just go for Oblitarate and blood strike to get my runic power up so i can spamm my frost strike and so on. Most importent stats is STR in frost Imo , have tried out some Arp but didnt work out aswell as STR. Love Deathknight , fun to play and awsome dps
- When would you be available to raid with us? (Which days and what time)
Well prob all days , around 19:00-00:00
- Do you experience slowdowns, lag or disconnects in 25-man raids?
Nupp got 100/100 Mbit , havnt had any problems with it
Tell us about your previous raiding experience
As level 60: Didnt raid much at all
As level 70: Did some TK and BT , but were more focused on PvP then
As level 80: 12/12 Icc 10m , 7/12 icc 10HC and only 6/12 Icc 25 . love to play 25m , it is more fun then 10m -
What is your opinion on doing hard modes?
Recruitment is open
We are looking for more to join us in The War Within! For our heroic raids we are primarily interested in DPS, but all applications will be considered.
Heroic Raids
Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Sunday 20:00 ST
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