Cluebe Mage - Application withdrawn
Have you read and understood the Guild Rules? yes
How old are you? 31
What is your character name, class, and level? cluebe mage 85
Post your armory-link here. … e/advanced
What are your current builds and why did you choose them? arcane as it is strongest spec
Tell us what you know about the class and specc you play. Try to impress us with your knowledge! At least include:
1. Spell rotation or spell priority for your main specc. Healers give a short description of spells used in different situations. i love arcane blast ok it used alot of mana, but you can get high dps
2. The most important stats for your class. interlect
When would you be available to raid with us? (Our raid schedule is Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 20.00-00.00 server time.) i am avalible most of the time
Do you experience slowdowns, lag or disconnects in 25-man raids? did lk 25 man and bwd it seem fine
Tell us about your previous raiding experience
As level 60:
As level 70:
As level 80: lk, nax, there are other too think
As level 85: to4, bwd, fl/
What is your opinion on doing hard modes? a challages is all ways a good thing
Do you have any previous MMORPG experience? i have played them since i was around 22 v
What are your previous guild(s) and why did you leave it? i was alliance side
What do you expect to find in our guild? friend ship and mature people. not rude imature
Is there anything else you would like to add? -
Recruitment is open
We are looking for more to join us in The War Within! For our heroic raids we are primarily interested in DPS, but all applications will be considered.
Heroic Raids
Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Sunday 20:00 ST
Trying to register but don’t get the confirmation e-mail? Forgot your password and got locked out?
Add Irya#2311 and I’ll give you a hand!
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